Kaylee Carico: Search For Beauty 2019
As we enter into this semester, and before we get any deeper into it's content, my questions and goals for this course are as follows: to understand the term "beauty" as a whole instead of the mere images of what I (biasly) deem to hold the qualities of the word's definition. Not only do I want to understand the term as wholesomely as I am able, but to possibly create a new genre of beauty within the term. By achieving my goals, I am hoping to ease my desire for the grasping and possessing of beauty that has been so deeply buried into my female mind from the early 2000's model of the "ideal woman" to having an outrageously beautiful mother, whose genes I only posses partially. I hope to truly find the beauty within this class that may guide me to a mindful understanding and appreciation of a word I have grown to resent in a sort of "I wish I didn't love you" type of way.
As one explores the Critique of Ontology, two things become prominent from the ideals of Kant, the first being: all things come to you as categories of thought, the second being his attempt to rescue the idea of cause from David Hume's statement of cause being unobservable from the effect. These two things bring about the essence of what Kant stood for in the aspect of how people live out their every day lives from observation, sensation, and reflection which are primary sources as to how cause effects the everyday life. From this, one can infer that this striving for what is observed and reflected upon is what influences people to take action in their everyday lives, everyday people are so moved by ways of their own reflections of reality that they feel the need to take action and strive for better in their lives. This sense of striving for a more perfect way of being is what Plato deemed "The Good".
Per Plato's explanation "The Good" can be a subject which allows a being to move towards a "more real" way of life. Given that as humans we are constantly striving in life to achieve some goal, the good is what gives this sort of striving it's purpose or definition given people as a whole are constantly working towards that better ideal of being. From where we exist on the ladder of being, "The Good" is that which is described as the ultimate form of reality. By striving in our everyday life, we are attempting to obtain this more perfect way of being that brings us sensibly closer to "The Good" or a more real being.
Continuing into the search for beauty one must consider the two differentiations of presentation vs. ritual. As described in class; presentation is what the beholder sees with his eyes; merely sensing the beauty that is being presented and basting in the experience for a fleeting moment of time. Ritual on the other hand, is something used in various cultures around the globe to connect differing peoples to differing Gods. Such as Indian tribes who dance to please spirits in hope of being granted safe and successful passage into the coming day's hunt. As van der Leeough described, "Dance is a most universal art-", used not only in presentation but as well as in ritual which could also qualify it as the medium which connects the two forms.
Branching from this thought, on can bring up the idea of dramatic theater in the since of presentational art. From this the people taking part in presenting (the performers) are taking part in the act of imitating a story to please an audience. Plato's belief of art being an imitation of an imitation comes to pass due to plays being the imitation of a made up story that has been created by a writer that has modified a real story to make it their own.
To begin breaking down the definition of beauty one must take into consideration, the aesthetic and ethic differentiation of beauty. As described by Plato, beauty has differing forms malting from the aesthetically pleasing one that mortals such as ourselves feel all at once and then not at all, in a sort of fleeting moment of blissful wonder of a multitude of sensations. However, the ethical form of beauty can be described as what Plato expands upon in his own description of the sense of striving for better, not just in appearance but as well as all aspects of life. This type of ethical beauty that can be compared to Plato's description of striving is one that ties beauty to a far deeper meaning than simply one that is to be viewed.
Take for example the Japanese Tea Ceremony, a sort of performance that has been turned into a repeated ritual much so that the focus and rituality melts away so that the performers may find joy in the practice of perfection. While there is such thing as being a master of this type of ceremony, there is always room for improvement and with improvement comes the ability to be present in the act of what is being preformed taking away from what once was complex. Simplicity from complexity can be seen as a sort of medium for translation of art.
A quote from Heraclitus; "Life is flux". This quote is one that is supposed to represent the everchanging universe and time line we exist in presently as mentioned by the philosopher Aristotle. Life being flux has to also do with the beauty of life as a whole as well. Given that, per Heraclitus, life is constantly changing with no pattern at all, The beauty of life is derives from the chaos and pattern less being that life is.
Given that life has the ability to change so drastically in an instant, a person is never truly able to expect one certain thing to happen with 100% confidence. If life were as evergreen as the pines, and as constant as the sunrise then there would be no surprises, nothing to strive for or gain. The beauty that comes from life is most certainly derived from the ups and downs that are created throughout life.
Aristotle believes in a system of narrative arcs that make up life as we know it. This narrative arc is used to describe the ups and downs of life as a whole given the arc is one that has a beginning middle and end. The middle of the arc one is able to find the climax of a story or peek.
This narrative arc scheme is one that pertains to art and life as we know it. Given that art is said to be derived from the life version of the narrative arc Aristotle has talked about. The art form that does come out of the life version, however, does hold its own narrative arc as well. Telling a story from beginning to end.
I'm taking this paragraph to be one of my random topics, things I find most beautiful are those things that fill the soul with joy and warmth. I find beauty in moments of bliss and feel that true beauty can be described as just that, fleeting and ever changing. I believe their is no moment in life that can ever return to a person just the way it had been, I believe even if you were to return to an exact moment in time you would be unable to feel such bliss again do the build up for that moment to unfold and happen just as I was meant to be taken in.
The beauty of life relies on the flux that Heraclitus philosophizes about. Just as I had stated in my last paragraph the beauty of a moment lies within the fact that it will never occur just as it has again. The fact that moments of life are fleeting and so quickly lost leaves a person with the desire to seek out those things that give them such moments of true bliss and warmth. Which, in turn, gives them a purpose and a meaning to carry on throughout life instead of just drifting with no such dream or passion to be living for.
What creates the barrier between ritual and presentation? In class we talked about comparing Disney's Mickey Mouse to Christ himself. In the end it was concluded that given that people are present at Disney to only have an encounter instead of an experience then that is what makes Christ more so ritualistic than Mickey Mouse.
I, however, sort of disagree with the notion that Mickey Mouse and Christ are so drastically different. Given that people go to Disney world on a sort of pilgrimage to experience what they've only heard and seen in movies and stories, people venture into the park in hopes of finding that real life magical feeling that they've only been able to fantasize about while watching the movies. Christ is something that is also only able to be fantasized about and people go on pilgrimages in search for him all the time. I for one don't think experience and encounter can be so easily categorized given that being a 5 year old in Disney land I can guarantee you when tinker bell flies down from the castle before the light show, they are going to have some type of experience.
A topic we touched on in class was one that had to do with Harrisons belief of the written word not fitting into the category of "signs". This belief is one that can be more vastly explained by viewing "signing" as a more godly thing than just a written word such as a stop sign. The "signs" mentioned by Harrison are those which are meant to be preserved by humans by such senses as sight, hearing, or feeling. As stated, the "hearer" is one with acoustic space. This can tie into the fact that the world used to be very heavily sight dominated in the primal age.
However, now that humans have since evolved to understand the written word I personally would argue Harrisons belief of words not being signs due to the fact that some humans living in highly populated areas can come across as many written words in a day that we can come across natural life.
In class we discussed Goldman's theory of taking meaning from sound and how in constitutes a creation of classification and in a way complements Harrisons belief via sound being one of the main ways of human experience and that words have no ways of being "signs". He goes onto highlight the ideas of words possessing no meaning, and that they only possess intimacy within their being. With this, he goes on the state that poetic art comes from the intertwining of language.
"From Death comes Light", this statement was one of relevance due to the fact that although words are unable to be signs, the belief of poetry holding a meaning behind it created a new form of written art and word.
Heidegger addresses the previously stated topics in his address of poetry being "meaningless". Heidegger believes that poetry "lets us dwell" and is the first cause to such actions through the written word. He also describes poetry as, "the king of building", as one can see Heidegger held a high regard to the written word of poetry, much more than Goldman and Harrison and was able to see the signs that were able to be visible within the written word, giving the written a sort of artistic tone.
Looking back at the lesson within these philosophers, the first two believed that the beauty of something came from their signs and what was able to be discretely taken away from their messages. It was the birth of poetry, the written art that gave way to a new type of word which also allowed for the word to be one that possessed beauty. For language is believed to be the "master of man", and without such tools in life there would be no easy for communication besides body language used by the animals.
I find beauty within the spirit that surrounds the natural world, among the birds and the beasts. They speak to me in whispers and tell me the ways of the world. Good is good, bad is bad, and that is all there is to that. Do not mean harm when it is dealt and do not dealt harm when it is felt. The fish who swim deep bellow chant up with voices just like so; "We are here and we can see, that you have no earthly toil for me. Fear not, for it is known, that what shall become of earth is sewn, into the crevasse of your minds, you know the truth but do not pine." The chimps who lay on the forest floor who have not a place to sleep anymore; "We are not scared, but simply are sad, for the truth of the matter is fairly bad. You take what is given, with no thanks to be had, and you reap not what you sew and our forest you shall over throw." -
-Our world is dying, slowly that is sure. Yet I believe there is still hope that can bring upon a new season of life. Bio tech is the future, our reusable and recyclable fuels are being established, the oceans are speaking and I think finally are being heard. This is the time to rejoice, for we still have time, the world that lays under our feet is still here, and we are the people chosen to be alive, during this very moment, to be the change we wish to see. There is a future and there are still paths but in a hurry, we have to now act. The beauty of life resides all around us, and it is now our time to make sure it does not escape us. From the trees to the bees to the mountains and the forests, it is time to come together and accept that which has happened and change what needs to be changed.
Poetry is measuring, such as god being judged by what he has created. By comparing the to ways to understand the unknown we can venture further into the idea of poetry being the measurement. The first way of understanding the unknown can be to describe God as being who he is as his own being, the second is to understand the unknown via the measure of man given that is what god hath created. From this the invisible should become visible in that God should be manifested like the sky itself. From Marion's perspective, there is no god which is so easily defined by man.
Poetry is believed to speak images that are the aliens in the sight of the visible, with this he stating that poetry has and underlying meaning to an overlying view point and thus brings together the belief of God being able to be measured by man himself. Just as poetry cannot be measured by words, God would stand apart from man as his own entity.
As we enter into this semester, and before we get any deeper into it's content, my questions and goals for this course are as follows: to understand the term "beauty" as a whole instead of the mere images of what I (biasly) deem to hold the qualities of the word's definition. Not only do I want to understand the term as wholesomely as I am able, but to possibly create a new genre of beauty within the term. By achieving my goals, I am hoping to ease my desire for the grasping and possessing of beauty that has been so deeply buried into my female mind from the early 2000's model of the "ideal woman" to having an outrageously beautiful mother, whose genes I only posses partially. I hope to truly find the beauty within this class that may guide me to a mindful understanding and appreciation of a word I have grown to resent in a sort of "I wish I didn't love you" type of way.
As one explores the Critique of Ontology, two things become prominent from the ideals of Kant, the first being: all things come to you as categories of thought, the second being his attempt to rescue the idea of cause from David Hume's statement of cause being unobservable from the effect. These two things bring about the essence of what Kant stood for in the aspect of how people live out their every day lives from observation, sensation, and reflection which are primary sources as to how cause effects the everyday life. From this, one can infer that this striving for what is observed and reflected upon is what influences people to take action in their everyday lives, everyday people are so moved by ways of their own reflections of reality that they feel the need to take action and strive for better in their lives. This sense of striving for a more perfect way of being is what Plato deemed "The Good".
Per Plato's explanation "The Good" can be a subject which allows a being to move towards a "more real" way of life. Given that as humans we are constantly striving in life to achieve some goal, the good is what gives this sort of striving it's purpose or definition given people as a whole are constantly working towards that better ideal of being. From where we exist on the ladder of being, "The Good" is that which is described as the ultimate form of reality. By striving in our everyday life, we are attempting to obtain this more perfect way of being that brings us sensibly closer to "The Good" or a more real being.
Continuing into the search for beauty one must consider the two differentiations of presentation vs. ritual. As described in class; presentation is what the beholder sees with his eyes; merely sensing the beauty that is being presented and basting in the experience for a fleeting moment of time. Ritual on the other hand, is something used in various cultures around the globe to connect differing peoples to differing Gods. Such as Indian tribes who dance to please spirits in hope of being granted safe and successful passage into the coming day's hunt. As van der Leeough described, "Dance is a most universal art-", used not only in presentation but as well as in ritual which could also qualify it as the medium which connects the two forms.
Branching from this thought, on can bring up the idea of dramatic theater in the since of presentational art. From this the people taking part in presenting (the performers) are taking part in the act of imitating a story to please an audience. Plato's belief of art being an imitation of an imitation comes to pass due to plays being the imitation of a made up story that has been created by a writer that has modified a real story to make it their own.
To begin breaking down the definition of beauty one must take into consideration, the aesthetic and ethic differentiation of beauty. As described by Plato, beauty has differing forms malting from the aesthetically pleasing one that mortals such as ourselves feel all at once and then not at all, in a sort of fleeting moment of blissful wonder of a multitude of sensations. However, the ethical form of beauty can be described as what Plato expands upon in his own description of the sense of striving for better, not just in appearance but as well as all aspects of life. This type of ethical beauty that can be compared to Plato's description of striving is one that ties beauty to a far deeper meaning than simply one that is to be viewed.
Take for example the Japanese Tea Ceremony, a sort of performance that has been turned into a repeated ritual much so that the focus and rituality melts away so that the performers may find joy in the practice of perfection. While there is such thing as being a master of this type of ceremony, there is always room for improvement and with improvement comes the ability to be present in the act of what is being preformed taking away from what once was complex. Simplicity from complexity can be seen as a sort of medium for translation of art.
A quote from Heraclitus; "Life is flux". This quote is one that is supposed to represent the everchanging universe and time line we exist in presently as mentioned by the philosopher Aristotle. Life being flux has to also do with the beauty of life as a whole as well. Given that, per Heraclitus, life is constantly changing with no pattern at all, The beauty of life is derives from the chaos and pattern less being that life is.
Given that life has the ability to change so drastically in an instant, a person is never truly able to expect one certain thing to happen with 100% confidence. If life were as evergreen as the pines, and as constant as the sunrise then there would be no surprises, nothing to strive for or gain. The beauty that comes from life is most certainly derived from the ups and downs that are created throughout life.
Aristotle believes in a system of narrative arcs that make up life as we know it. This narrative arc is used to describe the ups and downs of life as a whole given the arc is one that has a beginning middle and end. The middle of the arc one is able to find the climax of a story or peek.
This narrative arc scheme is one that pertains to art and life as we know it. Given that art is said to be derived from the life version of the narrative arc Aristotle has talked about. The art form that does come out of the life version, however, does hold its own narrative arc as well. Telling a story from beginning to end.
I'm taking this paragraph to be one of my random topics, things I find most beautiful are those things that fill the soul with joy and warmth. I find beauty in moments of bliss and feel that true beauty can be described as just that, fleeting and ever changing. I believe their is no moment in life that can ever return to a person just the way it had been, I believe even if you were to return to an exact moment in time you would be unable to feel such bliss again do the build up for that moment to unfold and happen just as I was meant to be taken in.
The beauty of life relies on the flux that Heraclitus philosophizes about. Just as I had stated in my last paragraph the beauty of a moment lies within the fact that it will never occur just as it has again. The fact that moments of life are fleeting and so quickly lost leaves a person with the desire to seek out those things that give them such moments of true bliss and warmth. Which, in turn, gives them a purpose and a meaning to carry on throughout life instead of just drifting with no such dream or passion to be living for.
What creates the barrier between ritual and presentation? In class we talked about comparing Disney's Mickey Mouse to Christ himself. In the end it was concluded that given that people are present at Disney to only have an encounter instead of an experience then that is what makes Christ more so ritualistic than Mickey Mouse.
I, however, sort of disagree with the notion that Mickey Mouse and Christ are so drastically different. Given that people go to Disney world on a sort of pilgrimage to experience what they've only heard and seen in movies and stories, people venture into the park in hopes of finding that real life magical feeling that they've only been able to fantasize about while watching the movies. Christ is something that is also only able to be fantasized about and people go on pilgrimages in search for him all the time. I for one don't think experience and encounter can be so easily categorized given that being a 5 year old in Disney land I can guarantee you when tinker bell flies down from the castle before the light show, they are going to have some type of experience.
A topic we touched on in class was one that had to do with Harrisons belief of the written word not fitting into the category of "signs". This belief is one that can be more vastly explained by viewing "signing" as a more godly thing than just a written word such as a stop sign. The "signs" mentioned by Harrison are those which are meant to be preserved by humans by such senses as sight, hearing, or feeling. As stated, the "hearer" is one with acoustic space. This can tie into the fact that the world used to be very heavily sight dominated in the primal age.
However, now that humans have since evolved to understand the written word I personally would argue Harrisons belief of words not being signs due to the fact that some humans living in highly populated areas can come across as many written words in a day that we can come across natural life.
In class we discussed Goldman's theory of taking meaning from sound and how in constitutes a creation of classification and in a way complements Harrisons belief via sound being one of the main ways of human experience and that words have no ways of being "signs". He goes onto highlight the ideas of words possessing no meaning, and that they only possess intimacy within their being. With this, he goes on the state that poetic art comes from the intertwining of language.
"From Death comes Light", this statement was one of relevance due to the fact that although words are unable to be signs, the belief of poetry holding a meaning behind it created a new form of written art and word.
Heidegger addresses the previously stated topics in his address of poetry being "meaningless". Heidegger believes that poetry "lets us dwell" and is the first cause to such actions through the written word. He also describes poetry as, "the king of building", as one can see Heidegger held a high regard to the written word of poetry, much more than Goldman and Harrison and was able to see the signs that were able to be visible within the written word, giving the written a sort of artistic tone.
Looking back at the lesson within these philosophers, the first two believed that the beauty of something came from their signs and what was able to be discretely taken away from their messages. It was the birth of poetry, the written art that gave way to a new type of word which also allowed for the word to be one that possessed beauty. For language is believed to be the "master of man", and without such tools in life there would be no easy for communication besides body language used by the animals.
I find beauty within the spirit that surrounds the natural world, among the birds and the beasts. They speak to me in whispers and tell me the ways of the world. Good is good, bad is bad, and that is all there is to that. Do not mean harm when it is dealt and do not dealt harm when it is felt. The fish who swim deep bellow chant up with voices just like so; "We are here and we can see, that you have no earthly toil for me. Fear not, for it is known, that what shall become of earth is sewn, into the crevasse of your minds, you know the truth but do not pine." The chimps who lay on the forest floor who have not a place to sleep anymore; "We are not scared, but simply are sad, for the truth of the matter is fairly bad. You take what is given, with no thanks to be had, and you reap not what you sew and our forest you shall over throw." -
-Our world is dying, slowly that is sure. Yet I believe there is still hope that can bring upon a new season of life. Bio tech is the future, our reusable and recyclable fuels are being established, the oceans are speaking and I think finally are being heard. This is the time to rejoice, for we still have time, the world that lays under our feet is still here, and we are the people chosen to be alive, during this very moment, to be the change we wish to see. There is a future and there are still paths but in a hurry, we have to now act. The beauty of life resides all around us, and it is now our time to make sure it does not escape us. From the trees to the bees to the mountains and the forests, it is time to come together and accept that which has happened and change what needs to be changed.
Poetry is measuring, such as god being judged by what he has created. By comparing the to ways to understand the unknown we can venture further into the idea of poetry being the measurement. The first way of understanding the unknown can be to describe God as being who he is as his own being, the second is to understand the unknown via the measure of man given that is what god hath created. From this the invisible should become visible in that God should be manifested like the sky itself. From Marion's perspective, there is no god which is so easily defined by man.
Poetry is believed to speak images that are the aliens in the sight of the visible, with this he stating that poetry has and underlying meaning to an overlying view point and thus brings together the belief of God being able to be measured by man himself. Just as poetry cannot be measured by words, God would stand apart from man as his own entity.
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